How to Make a Living As a Forex Trader

There are now millions of people around the world who make a successful living as a full time forex trader. Do you want to join them? Suppose, you have a day job but you are interested in your financial freedom and you want to pass your time with your family. You want to get out of the corporate rat race and want your own home business. What to do? Learn forex trading. Make your plan. Suppose, you want to make $10,000 per month before you will think of leaving your day job. How to achieve $10,000 per month with forex? Obviously, you are not going to achieve your goal in one day. It might take you a few months. Suppose, you set the target of 9 months. You think in the next 9 months if you work with determination, you should be able to start making $10,000 per month. In the first month, devote four hours in the evening after your job to educate yourself about forex trading. Most of the information is freely available. What is the best forex trading tool? Education! Yes, first educate ...